Every diet, I get questions like “It’s like 2 months to the exam, can I still write and pass this diet?”, “I know they started 2 months ago and I can’t catch up”, “I know I have missed some classes, so I will wait till next diet”, and so on. My short answer to these questions is ‘You can still write and pass this exam despite joining the class mid-diet’.
When we decided to start ICAN Online Tutors some years back, we spent years researching how to ease learning for students. We simply understood the challenges students were experiencing in understanding the topics taught and how to solve these problems. Our testimonials from students over the past years have proven that our methods of preparing students for their ICAN exams are efficient and effective. Some of these students enrolled in our classes less than 2 months before exams and passed all their papers. While some of them wrote 1 or 2 papers, others wrote up to 3 or more papers.
When you contact ICAN Online Tutors to enroll in our classes for the November 2022 diet, you have the opportunity to seek guidance on the number of courses you should write and which courses you should write. We treat each person’s case individually. We start by asking you a few questions to help us advise you correctly. Such as; your educational background, your job status, your relationship status, your personal commitments, the last time you took an exam, etc. All this information will assist us in guiding you on the number of papers you should take and what courses to combine.
It is important to note that students that enroll with us now will get all the previous past class recordings as we always record all our classes and make them available to students to watch over again. We strongly advise students not to PROCRASTINATE and take their exams despite joining the classes in the middle of the diet. There will never be a perfect time to write your exams. All you need to do is to summon the courage and do it.
If you are hoping to write the November 2022 diet and want us to assist you in preparing and passing your exams for this diet, kindly reach out to us on 08080665292 or 08185993275 or simply visit our website at www.icanonlinetutors.com for more information.
I think the article is missing some crucial points. For example, you can join the class late and still pass your exams, but it’s not that simple.
You must be willing to put in the extra work and dedication required. If you’re hoping to join the class and coast by, you will likely be disappointed.
It would help if you also were realistic about your expectations. For example, if you’ve been out of school for a long time, it will take more than a month or two of classes to get up to speed.
The same goes for students who are working full-time or have other commitments. Again, it’s essential to set realistic goals and be patient.
Overall, the article is a good reminder that it’s never too late to study for your exams.
But it’s essential, to be honest about what you can achieve. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything you want.
What is the importance of not procrastinating and taking the exams despite joining the classes in the middle of the diet?